Project 5 - Savusavu Hospital Donation

The prepping begins....Thank you Frances, Lillian and Jodi Crew leaders taking a break....Caroline, Ateca and Patrina.

One of the few items collected.
The finished products ready for shipping.

Project 4 - Library Books for Veiuto and Grammar Libraries

Inside the Grammar Library with Buna and Kelera! ....donated by the Grammarican Lions, ....yes indeed!
Boxes being opened inside the Grammar Library the two new scholarship recipients (Intake 2007).
Bula Vinaka Wallace,

Thank you again for your donations of books for both Veiuto Primary and SGS. The books were all labelled acknowledging the donation from the Grammaricans and were delivered to the school on the 4th April.

Thank you Buna, Cleo and Vula for taking the initiative to personally deliver the books to the schools.

I understand that both schools were very appreciative to the kind donations. The team also had the opportunity to meet with the two new scholarship recipients (Intake 2007).

We look forward to your continuing support and loloma to everyone.

VP, EX SGS Students Association (Fiji)

The kids faces tell a whole lot....thanks Vula and Kelera! ....opening the boxes
Inside the Veiuto Library, the excitement.... ....and the reading begins.

Project 3 - Toys Donation

February 08th, 2007 - We drove into the pre-school compound at about 10.30am on this Thursday morning. Awaiting me were this group of eager faces. One dashed into the house and couldn’t be urged out of his hiding place till I left. Must be one of those from Gau or Wainibuka!
A salusalu with a sulu attached was immediately put on me
and we got on straight ahead with the formalities all 2 minutes of it to explain to them about where the toys were from and the wonderful hearts that sent them.
A special tea of juice and bu was ready and the whole ceremony ended with each kids feasting and wanting to try all the toys. They were still scrapping over the toys, when I left.

Photos do a whole lot more justice and I leave it to you to judge from these cute faces what an effect your huge hearts have made to some kids who never ever dreamed of seeing toys like the ones you sent, let alone knowing about America.

The teacher asked about seesaws and stuff like that, but I am not sure if you will be able to also find and send some of those things, because they could be used for villages and schools.

All I can say is, how I wish one of you had been there to see and feel the gratitude.
....from Dawasamu, thank you so much and God bless.

Isimeli Nalomaca

Project 2 - Rotuma Hospital

Late last year the Grammarican Lions Team was approached by Gordon Rigamoto, after he had heard of the successful Nadi Hospital Project, which we had just completed in conjunction with Air Pacific Ltd.

The team took on the task and after weeks of folding and packing, we successfully shipped 11 cartons of linen and a much needed wheelchair to Rotuma hospital. The items were shipped to Fiji and thereafter were taken care of by Mr. Hay Rigamoto.

The Grammarican Lions are pleased to assist with communities in the outer islands with similar items and all requests can be made via our website at:

Project 1 - Nadi Hospital

Grammarican Lions 1st Project currently focused on providing medical supplies and equipment to the Nadi Hospital. The project was inititiated by Air Pacific, Fiji’s International Airline. The airline has been involved with such projects for a few years and two of our members were directly involved.

The members were contacted by Air Pacific stating a need for hospital supplies such as linen, wheelchairs, baby scales, crutches and medication.

The Grammarican Lions took on the project a week later and within two months, have stocked up more than 60 boxes of linen ranging from bed sheets, pillow slips, towels, bath mats, plastic bed covers, blankets, and patient gowns.

We have accumulated a number of crutches and still looking for more. Two boxes of over-the–counter medications have been donated to us, but still need more of. Most of these items were donated by various hospitals in and around the Bay area. Despite Suva Grammar School being our main focus, this project is one of many that the group hopes to undertake in different communities at large.

The Boxes

Bula All,

We have finally released the items after some arduous work put in by the following people who I cannot go without saying thank you very much for all the effort you put in:

First and foremost a big "Vinaka" to the hard working Team of the Grammarican Lions Club Community Service work.

Wallace and Shirlene(who is a former FJ Cabin Crew) , came in for the Christmas Holidays. Although we planned to meet , you were obviously very busy with family and have since returned to the USA. We hope that our assistance during your travel as part of our gratitude for the work done is accepted.

Richard Yamashita, Watson Seeto & Suli Wesley - Thank you very much Airports for your input in facilitating the required clearances. Especially Suli for your assitance in clearing the items here in NAN and transferring them across to the Training Center today.

Ram Sami Goundar & Vijen Kumar - Fiji Customs & Revenue Dept - For allowing the clearing of the items under "special concessions" for Charity Items.This process had to be attended to and signed for by the Nadi Hospital Adminstration Staff Dr Whippy.

ATS Manager Cargo & Ramp services - for facilitating the waving of storage fees of the same at the value of $2616-00. Mr Patrick Young whom I will be sending him a letter of Thanks.

GMHR Mr Komailevuka & Sulueti Kama - Over to you. I have been in touch with the Nadi Hospital who are awaiting our word and will pick the items up when we are ready. I was suggesting to Paulini Kinita that we should open up the cartons , itemise the contents and then present them formerly to the Hospital.


Viliame Finau
Project Coordinator

Community Service
Project FJ 55th Anniversay Celebrations 2006

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