Our History

The History of the Grammarican Lions Association is marked by communion, activism, continual growth and fierce school pride.


It all began in October of 2005, when a group of ex-students recognized the unique and exceptional atmosphere the school fostered, not only in its physical beauty, but also with its sense of camaraderie that encourages life-long relationship.

The urge to associate was strong and thus, it came about that on a cold Sunday afternoon, 5 former students gathered at a house in Sunnyvale to mull over the future of the group. The names of the 5, all of whom are former students would forever become identified with Grammarican Lions: Vini Ray, Frances Cox, Wallace Ram, Tina Cox-Prasad and Shirlene Ram.

“We really need some kind of organization to bind us together. Now what do you think we can do?” said Frances.

After a long discussion, a plan was drawn to contact as many former students living in the USA. This proposal was met with instant approval. Our first official meeting took place at Mafi Bale’s residence in South City on November, 2005. It was a pot-luck and as is the case with our culture, there was more food and drinks than people. A total of 18 ex-students, from as far as Seattle and Sacramento, gathered to choose the first official committee to lead the Grammarican Lions. The first few months proved to be a time of dramatic change as the Association grew and extended its scope and goals.


Grammarican Lions was incorporated on the 5th of April, 2006 under the laws of the State of California as a non-profit organization. Overseen by a 4-member Committee, the association continues to serve its ever growing membership The Grammarican Lions Association will continue to be a dynamic force for the continued advancement of Suva Grammar School in the years ahead.

We hope you will join us in being an active member of the association.

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